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The Speech Bus 



We move into our interactive literacy circles to read our book for the session. Literacy circles help build on each child’s literacy skills with the use of “story kits” by simultaneously allowing them to interact and relate to characters in the story.


It’s fun reading a book like The Very Hungry Caterpillar because there is good anticipation and repetition as we all chant the phrase, “still hungry!”
As speech pathologists, we can’t let a page turn without targeting vocabulary, concepts, and speech sounds!


Once the story is complete, we reflect on what we loved about the book, and then we start on our craft! Sorting shapes, colors, and gluing is fun; taking home a craft that they created is even better!

Contact Us

The Speech Bus Inc. has been established in NC as a non-profit (501(c)(3)) corporation.

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(336) 283-7927


© 2023 by The Speech Bus.

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